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Dewberry Lane

Last I posted I told you that I had some exciting news for you. Well I have a small sneak peek today in the form of a video:

Coming soon to the interwebs near you, I will be opening an online store, Dewberry Lane. The above video is a sales pitch for one of our items from our highest grossing salesman.

The store isn’t quite ready yet, but I would love to hear some ideas of what you would like to see. Product, classes, tutorials … what would bring you to my store? As we get close to opening we want to help make our store useful to you!
Happy Quilting!

6 thoughts on “Dewberry Lane

  1. Congratulations on your new “store”. I’m always on the lookout for free patterns and lots of tutorials. Also, templates for all the different blocks that are somewhat new. It seems you can never find enough choice in one place to get all you want, and it is expensive paying for shipping for one little template at a time. Also, free shipping is a great plus!! With fabrics, it would be nice having the whole line of a design. Lots of luck on your new store.

  2. Best of luck on your new adventure. Is he your advertising agent? Let us know at the Quilted Paradise Newsletter when this happens. I would like to be able to support you.

  3. exciting to do something super about a passion in your life..Best wishes for success in your new store! It sounds like you are going to give the quilting community a great place to visit and shop..

  4. How exciting for you. Looking forward to seeing your store! Envy, envy, envy but happy, happy, happy!

  5. You’ve found a spot in my ‘Favorites’ listings.

  6. Loved the video. You have a great advertisement there! And you’re offering one thing every quilter needs. Good Luck, but I don’t think you will need it!

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