So before I get to the patterns, I just wanted to share that I have officially learned how to bunny hop on a scooter! LOL We got our son a scooter not too long ago, and he has been having a blast trying to learn tricks on it. He even took it to the skate park yesterday and was riding down the ramps and stuff. So today he asked me to come watch him ride, which I was happy to do, and he offered to teach me to bunny hop. It took me a few (okay more than a few) tries, but eventually I finally did it!! I was so happy for me, and it was so cute to watch my son be so excited for me. Now he insists that I must get my own scooter so we can go scootering together. I may just have to do that!
Today I wanted to share a few new PDF applique patterns I created. I am having so much fun coming up with ideas. I have a whole book of ideas that I haven’t even drawn up yet, and more that I have drawn, but not uploaded! But let’s look at some I did upload.
Monkey Applique Pattern
This adorable monkey is one of many animal patterns I have in my shop now. Wouldn’t he look so cute on a toddler’s t-shirt?

Ninja Applique Pattern
A crime fighting ninja is always a good addition to the family!

Thanksgiving Applique Pattern
Doing some holiday sewing? Wouldn’t this guy look awesome on an apron for the Thanksgiving chef?

Alice in Wonderland Applique Pattern
I am working on a fairy Tale series of patterns, and this is one from Alice in Wonderland.

Pirate Applique Pattern
Yargh! How’s a pirate hit ya matey?

These are just a few of the new ones I have added. To see them all, check out my shop over at Etsy … Scrapendipity Designs.
I haven’t really done an applique tutorial on this blog yet, but I am hoping to do that soon. I am just having too much fun designing to stop and sew!! If you do purchase one of my patterns and you aren’t sure how to do applique, please just let me know and I would be happy to send along some links to good tutorials I have found.
Also, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. You can do so in the right hand side of this blog. I am planning on sending out periodic emails featuring the new patterns I add to my shop. That is probably the best way to keep up to date on what I am adding!
Happy Quilting (and scootering)!